Parents Group
Welcome to the Bethlehem community! The Bethlehem Parents Group (referred to as PTO) is a network of parents and caregivers with children attending The Bethlehem School.
Our mission is to connect and support students, families, teachers and staff within the Bethlehem community for the purpose of enhancing our children's preschool experience and making a positive impact for the communities in which we live.
Monthly Meetings
We invite you to attend our monthly meetings and will alternate between morning and evening meetings to give everyone options. The schedule of meetings is as follows but is subject to change:
Friday, October 7th - 9am at school
Wednesday, November 16th - 7pm at school
Friday, December 2nd - 9am at school
Wednesday, January 4th - 7pm Zoom
Friday, February 3rd - 9am at school
Wednesday, March 1st - 7pm Zoom
Friday, April 7th - 9am at school
Wednesday, May 3rd - 7pm Zoom
Friday, June 2nd - 9am at school
Volunteers Needed!
Want to get involved but don’t want to fall into the black hole of volunteerism? We understand! We’re all busy and it’s easy to overcommit yourself. Below we have listed a few options to volunteer with clearly defined roles. We highly encourage co-chairs for each role so that work is shared.
Room Parents
Room parents, two per class, will be expected to collaborate with the Parent Group and communicate any Parent Group updates to their respective classrooms. You may be expected to organize 1-2 outings as optional playdates/get-togethers outside of the classroom. There will be some events planned by the PTO for the whole school and its possible room parents may decide to plan a playdate or two as a way to get to know the other families in your class. Room parents are NOT expected to personally fund any activities and any requests for funding can be directed to the PTO. Some ideas for play dates include meeting for popsicles at the school or a local park, visiting a farm, or meeting at the Marketstreet Green.
If there are more than 2 parents interested from each class, we will randomly pick names out of a hat. There will always be opportunities to help!
Please sign-up at Bethlehem Room Parent Sign-up 22-23 by October 12th, 2022. Anyone who had contacted us previously with interest is already entered in the document but it would help if you could add your contact info.
Fundraising Chair(s)
Plan and execute approximately 2 PTO fundraisers aimed at raising $3,000 total. We would like the first fundraiser to be a sale for school logo apparel but need help with logistics. The second fundraiser could be a parent outing but all ideas are welcome!
Spring Ice Cream Social Chair(s)
Plan and execute a school-wide ice cream social for a day TBD in the Spring. This event is funded by the PTO and lasts a couple of hours.
End-of-Year Carnival Chair(s)
Plan and execute (don’t worry, we have a blueprint) our school community End-of-Year Carnival. This event is funded by the PTO, is welcome to all Bethlehem families and usually takes place the last week of school in June.
Community Giving Chair(s)
Work with the school and community to identify and plan approximately 5 community giving events throughout the year. Examples in the past have been a candy donation to homeless shelters after Halloween, a pajama or diaper drive to benefit local shelters or community centers, book drives, canned food drives, and Community Giving Tree programs around the holidays. We have partnered with area schools in the past for certain fundraisers.
Teacher Appreciation Week Chair(s)
Taking place the week after the National Teacher Appreciation Week, Bethlehem celebrates this week (May 8-12, 2023 at Bethlehem) by giving the teachers a “treat” each day, usually ending the week with a luncheon at the school. This person or people will organize the 5-day event and enlist volunteers to handle each day.
Please go to Bethlehem PTO Chairs 22-23 to sign up for any of the above positions. Anyone who had contacted us with interest previously should already be entered in the document. Please fill in any missing contact information.
PTO Funds
As a way to kickstart PTO fundraising for the year, we are requesting an OPTIONAL $25 donation to our Parent Group funds. These dues allow us to fund:
Supplies for school events such as the Halloween and Valentine’s Day celebrations
Community events such as the End-of-Year Carnival
Staff Support including daily treats for “Teacher Appreciation Week”
Enrichment programs such as local author visits or STEM activities
School Initiatives proposed by the school staff wherever possible
Dues can be sent back to the school in the envelope provided or feel free to Venmo Carrie Brennan @Carolyn-Schwartz (last 4 digits of phone number: 8225). Checks can be made out to Bethlehem PTO and envelopes can be returned in your child’s folder.
Social Media
Please follow us at “The Bethlehem School” on Facebook at
Please join “The Bethlehem School Parents Group” on Facebook at
Please feel free to reach out to any of us anytime with questions or suggestions. We are here to support you!
The 22-23 Bethlehem Parent Group Board
Jenny Sheehan - Co-President - 443-690-0826 -
Carla Lortz - Co-President - 781-799-9385 -
Carrie Brennan - Treasurer - 781-718-8225 -
Jenna Camann - Communications - 617-480-1872 -